kotputihdrbasrah’s Newsletter
When Life Gets Hard
Episode 2 : Confusing Loneliness With Solitude

Episode 2 : Confusing Loneliness With Solitude

When Life Gets Hard

Paul Tillich said that, Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone. I struggled, for a long time to differentiate between these two. Join me in part 2/3 of Chapter 1 on Medical School, where I answer the questions:

1. What are some of the struggles you faced when adapting in Medan?

2. What made you think that you were lonely?

3. What made you realize that it was solitude?

Stay tuned for future episodes where I talk about topics on friendships, relationships, family and hijrah.

Basrah is a Year 3 Medical Student in FK UMSU, Medan who is also an aspiring authorpreneur. Read Basrah's humble beginnings, "From Rejection to Motivation". Feel free to send Basrah a message here.

kotputihdrbasrah’s Newsletter
When Life Gets Hard
A 15 part series on a book I inspire to write one day, Mata Nasrullah
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